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#EastonDreamBuild: Craig's Devinci Hatchet

The Easton Overland team has been sharing their 2020 builds on the Easton Instagram page. But what components actual...

From the Field: Easton Overland 2020 Team Launch

 2020. Hover boards. Robot caregivers. Advanced carbon neutral societies. Lycra as a primary clothing type. Road bike...

From the Field: the LA Tourist Race

Words: Alvin Escajeda  Photos: Alvin Escajeda and Jimmy Rosas   4 books, 4 checkpoints and 4 book pages to collect. S...

From the Field: Silk Road Reflections

Words and Photos: Cooper Ray To begin with, this is by far the most extreme challenge I have ever faced. It has pushe...

Rollout: Escape - Matt Lieto

Escape. When your job bridges between professional triathlete, commentator and coach, escape can be as important as t...
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